Printing at copy De Raaf Self Service
There are 4 PCs and printers in self service available from where you can print your files from usb stick, mail / facebook / Toledo account in Black and White or color.
Order / Appointment
For large orders, we have 3 High Volume printers that can process a capacity of 200,000 Black and White prints and 35,000 color prints on a daily basis. Combined jobs such as Z-W mix with color prints, intermediate sheets, covers, etc. or A5 booklets, A3 magazines folded and stapled are best done by us. Ideally, you make an appointment in advance, (Online appointment) send us your file in pdf and we make a proof before starting the final printing process.
Printing on demand
If required, we save your files so that we can easily print them back later on request. Ideal for printing of doctoral dissertations, annual reports and courses!